Reports and statements relating to psychic investigations
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TitleReports and statements relating to psychic investigations
Reference codeHPC/3
Date1909-1911, 1919-1947, c1950, 1959
Scope and ContentConsists of: reports of sittings with mediums and other related material; statements concerned with the trial of Helen Duncan; reports and diaries about the 'talking mongoose' case; reports and diaries by observers of Borley Rectory; reports, declaration forms and instructions for other psychical investigations.
See HPC/4 for correspondence relating to psychical research for other information regarding sittings and experiments.
See HPC/4 for correspondence relating to psychical research for other information regarding sittings and experiments.
NotesPlease note that this is a higher-level description, which describes a significant number of archives within the Harry Price papers. It should NOT be used when ordering archives for research.
Conditions governing accessOpen, subject to the conditions outlined at fonds level
System of ArrangementThis series has been arranged into 8 sub-series:
HPC/3A Concerning Stella C.;
HPC/3B Concerning 'Margery' (Mrs Crandon);
HPC/3C Concerning Rudi Schneider;
HPC/3D Concerning Helen Duncan;
HPC/3E Concerning other mediums;
HPC/3F Concerning the 'talking mongoose' case in the Isle of Man;
HPC/3G Concerning Borley Rectory;
HPC/3H Concerning other psychical investigations.
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