Held atUniversity of London, Institute of Languages, Cultures and Society, Centre for Latin American & Caribbean Studies
Reference codeCUS
Cusichaca TrustMore Info on CreatorLess Info on Creator
The Cusichaca Trust (1977-2018) was established by Ann Kendall, as a non-profit organisation whose initial aim was to excavate and analyse Peruvian Inca materials. When the Trust’s full-scale programme of fieldwork began in 1978 it did so as the Cusichaca Archaeological Project.
The first phase of work, as carried out by the Cusichaca Archaeological Project (CAP) under the auspices of the Cusichaca Trust, took place between 1978 and 1987. The CAP worked in various sites in and around the valley of the Cusichaca River, including Huillca Raccay [sometimes referred to as Huillca Racay], Patallacta, Pulpituyoc, Olleriayoc Trancapata, Quishuarpata, Huayna Quente and the Huillca Raccay Tableland. The work involved excavation, processing finds, archaeological reconnaissance, and analysis. There was an abundance of finds relating to pottery and ceramics, which led to a number of articles and publications.
Archaeological excavation at the Inca site of Huillca Raccay and at other sites around and above the junction of the Cusichaca and Urubamba rivers, revealed a sequence of distinct occupations from c.700 BC to the time of the Spanish conquest in the 1530s. Excavation work indicated that before the appearance of the Inca the area was already well cultivated and populated, and that they extensively remodelled the landscape, constructing formidable systems of agricultural terraces, extending earlier irrigation canals and building new ones. Local populations were relocated to exploit the land more intensively, and one of the area’s main functions would almost certainly have been to provide Machu Picchu, 25 kms down the Urubamba river, with maize and other crops.
As a part of the initial archaeological survey, the CAP discovered that most of the ancient irrigation canals in the Cusichaca area, were in relatively good condition. They included the 4 km- long Quishuarpata canal that had once watered extensive pre-Inca and Inca terraced lands. The CAP proposed that they and the local community should collaborate to restore the canal and return neglected agricultural land to productive use. This led to an arrangement with the Peruvian National Institute of Culture (INC), who allowed the CAP to undertake the rehabilitation of the canal. Work began in 1981 and, within two seasons, restoration work on the canal had extended back to its original intake off the Huallancay River. By then the local beneficiaries had taken over and ran the implementation of the project. In October 1983, the canal became operational in its entirety. Newly irrigated, the terraced uplands produced many varieties of Andean cultivars including potatoes, tarwi (Lupinus mutabilis), quinoa, and varieties of kiwicha, which complemented local maize in a crop rotation. Rehabilitating the remains of the past to help improve the economic conditions of poor farmers in the present made the work of the Cusichaca Trust an innovative and significant example of ‘applied archaeology’, demonstrating a valuable, practical relationship between archaeology and rural development
The second major phase of CAP work took place in the Patacancha Valley, between 1987 and 1997. In 1987, communities from along the valley approached the CAP for assistance, having been impressed by the rehabilitation work achieved at Cusichaca. The Patacancha work received funding from a number of aid agencies in the United Kingdom and Europe, reflecting the increased focus on rural development. The main achievement was the rehabilitation of the 6 km-long Pumamarca canal, an original pre-Inca structure extended during the Inca period, along with the restoration of agricultural terracing in the surrounding valley. Around this canal and terrace restoration centrepiece, other components of a wider rural development project were designed, which addressed the many other needs of farming communities in the valley. For a long time, pressure on the land, without adequate management, had created a vicious circle of damage to the environment. Overworked soils were thin and eroded, while native tree and forest cover had largely gone, to be replaced by extensive stands of eucalyptus. CAP agronomists and field workers ran courses for local farmers in soil conservation and embarked on an extensive reforestation programme with native species of trees. Health was another concern in the region. In particular, local people were used to taking water from streams running close to their villages. These were often contaminated and infections were commonplace, prompting the trust to support low-cost potable water schemes, piping water from springs and high altitude streams. Encouragement was also given to the introduction of kitchen gardens to grow vegetable crops not previously cultivated such as cabbage, lettuce, carrots, and onions. The gardens were irrigated by the newly-piped water systems. Extended family greenhouses were also installed to augment the high-altitude diet and provide extra opportunities for the marketing of produce. When the CAP work ended in 1997, local staff formed their own independent NGO, which acquired funding for further work in the area.
There was a significant archaeological component to the work in the Patacancha valley, especially at the pre-Inca and Inca sites at Pumamarca and around the impressive promontory site of Hatun Aya Orqo. CAP work in the valley culminated in the establishment of a cultural centre and museum in Ollantaytambo, designed to act as a local resource, training centre, and store of indigenous knowledge.
The third major phase of work carried out under the auspices of the Cusichaca Trust, between 1997 and 2013, focused on the remote Apurimac and Ayacucho areas to the north-west of Cuzco, some of the poorest parts of Peru and badly affected by the activities of the ‘Shining Path’ in the 1980s and early 90s . Many of the strategies developed in the Patacancha valley were adopted here too, and, after a period of research and feasibility studies, a series of integrated projects was put together with local communities. These focussed on health and nutrition, conservation of the environment, agricultural extension and the establishment of a series of skills centres, including carpentry and blacksmith’s workshops and horticultural centres. Increasing agricultural production required major works to restore pre-Hispanic irrigation canals and terrace systems. This work was bolstered by awareness-raising programmes for local communities, as well as local and national government, and a series of seminars, courses, and major conferences were designed to promote traditional Andean technology more widely. The programmes included a National Seminar, organized by the Cusichaca Trust and other agencies in Lima in 2006, where it was agreed that a coordinated national plan to rehabilitate irrigated terrace systems would make a significant contribution to rural development and to water conservation in the Peruvian highlands. In June 2014, the second International Terraces Conference was held in Cuzco, the first having taken place in China in 2012.
In 2003, the Asociación Andina Cusichaca was founded, as a successor body to the Cusichaca Trust. The AAC became an independent Peruvian NGO, its purpose being to act as an advisor to the Peruvian government agency Agro Rural in its involvement in a programme of terrace rehabilitation funded by the Inter-American Development Bank.
The Cusichaca Trust was active for some 40 years. The Trust’s legacy includes the quality and extent of its archaeological work, which has contributed significantly to the understanding of the pre-Inca and Inca periods in the Inca heartlands. As important is the Trust’s collaboration with local communities and active demonstration of “applied archaeology”. The work undertaken to cultivate the land and to utilise the environment as effectively as possible was highly unusual for an archaeological project. The Inca were extremely effective at managing their terrain to feed and nourish their population in a pre-industrial society, and the Cusichaca Trust found a way to make ancient knowledge and practices relevant in the 20th and 21st centuries.
The Cusichaca Trust was notable for its large scale and the multiplicity of its projects and activities. The Cusichaca and the Patacancha became magnets for archaeologists, ethnographers, social historians, geographers, environmentalists and rural development workers. Many CAP staff and volunteers went on to specialise in their fields, using the data and experience gained during work in Cusichaca and the Patacancha in academic papers and dissertations.
El Cusichaca Trust (1977-2018) fue establecido por Ann Kendall, como una organización sin fines de lucro cuyo objetivo inicial era excavar y analizar materiales incas peruanos. Cuando el programa de trabajo de campo a gran escala del Trust comenzó en 1978, lo hizo como el Proyecto Arqueológico de Cusichaca.
La primera fase del trabajo, realizada por el Proyecto Arqueológico de Cusichaca (PAC) bajo los auspicios del Cusichaca Trust, tuvo lugar entre 1978 y 1987. El PAC trabajó en varios sitios dentro y alrededor del valle del río Cusichaca, incluidas las zonasde Huillca Raccay [a veces llamado Huillca Racay], Patallacta, Pulpituyoc, Olleriayoc Trancapata, Quishuarpata, Huayna Quente y la meseta Huillca Raccay. El trabajo incluyó excavación, procesamiento de hallazgos, reconocimiento arqueológico y análisis. Hubo una gran cantidad de hallazgos relacionados con la cerámica, lo que condujo a una serie de artículos y publicaciones.
La excavación arqueológica en el sitio inca de Huillca Raccay y en otros sitios alrededor y por encima de la unión de los ríos Cusichaca y Urubamba, reveló una secuencia de ocupaciones distintas desde el año 700 a. C. hasta la época de la conquista española en la década de 1530. El trabajo de excavación indicó que antes de la aparición del Inca el área ya estaba bien cultivada y poblada, y que remodelaron ampliamente el paisaje, construyeron sistemas formidables de terrazas agrícolas, extendieron canales de riego anteriores y construyeron otros nuevos. Las poblaciones locales fueron reubicadas para explotar la tierra de manera más intensiva, y una de las principales funciones del área habría sido proporcionar a Machu Picchu, a 25 kilómetros río abajo del río Urubamba, maíz y otros cultivos.
Como parte del estudio arqueológico inicial, el PAC descubrió que la mayoría de los antiguos canales de riego en el área de Cusichaca, estaban relativamente en buenas condiciones. Incluían el canal Quishuarpata de 4 km de largo que una vez había regado extensas tierras en terrazas pre-incas e incas. El PAC propuso que ellos y la comunidad local colaborasen para restaurar el canal y devolver las tierras agrícolas abandonadas a un uso productivo. Esto llevó a un acuerdo con el Instituto Nacional de Cultura del Perú (INC), que permitió que el PAC emprendiera la rehabilitación del canal. El trabajo comenzó en 1981 y, en dos temporadas, los trabajos de restauración en el canal se habían extendido a su toma original del río Huallancay. Para entonces, los beneficiarios locales se habían hecho cargo y llevaron a cabo la implementación del proyecto. En octubre de 1983, el canal comenzó a funcionar en su totalidad. Recién regadas, las tierras altas en terrazas produjeron muchas variedades de cultivos andinos, incluyendo papas, tarwi (Lupinus mutabilis), quinua y variedades de kiwicha, que complementaron el maíz local a través de rotación de cultivos. La rehabilitación de los restos del pasado para ayudar a mejorar las condiciones económicas de los agricultores pobres en el presente hizo que el trabajo del Cusichaca Trust sea un ejemplo innovador y significativo de "arqueología aplicada", demostrando una relación práctica y valiosa entre la arqueología y el desarrollo rural.
La segunda fase principal del trabajo delPAC tuvo lugar en el valle de Patacancha, entre 1987 y 1997. En 1987, las comunidades de todo el valle se acercaron al PAC en busca de ayuda, impresionados por el trabajo de rehabilitación realizado en Cusichaca. El trabajo de Patacancha recibió fondos de varias agencias de ayuda en el Reino Unido y Europa, lo que refleja el mayor enfoque en el desarrollo rural de la zona. El logro principal fue la rehabilitación del canal de Pumamarca de 6 km de largo, una estructura original preincaica extendida durante el período inca, junto con la restauración de las terrazas agrícolas en el valle circundante. Alrededor de esta pieza central de restauración de canales y terrazas, se diseñaron otros componentes de un proyecto de desarrollo rural más amplio, que atendió las muchas otras necesidades de las comunidades agrícolas en el valle. Durante mucho tiempo, la presión sobre la tierra, sin una gestión adecuada, había creado un círculo vicioso de daños al medio ambiente. Los suelos excesivamente trabajados eran delgados y erosionados, mientras que la cobertura de árboles y bosques nativos había desaparecido en gran medida, para ser reemplazados por extensos rodales de eucaliptos. Los agrónomos y los trabajadores de campo de PAC impartieron cursos para agricultores locales sobre conservación del suelo y se embarcaron en un extenso programa de reforestación con especies nativas de árboles. La salud era otra preocupación en la región. En particular, la gente local estaba acostumbrada a tomar agua de los arroyos que corren cerca de sus aldeas. Estos a menudo estaban contaminados y las infecciones eran comunes, lo que provocó la necesidad de apoyar sistemas de agua potable de bajo costo, tuberías de agua de manantiales y arroyos de gran altitud. También se alentó la introducción de huertos familiares para introducir cultivos de hortalizas no cultivados previamente, como repollo, lechuga, zanahorias y cebollas. Los jardines fueron regados por los sistemas de agua recién conectados. También se instalaron invernaderos familiares para mejorar la dieta a gran altitud y generar oportunidades adicionales para la comercialización de productos. Cuando el trabajo de PAC terminó en 1997, el personal local formó su propia ONG independiente, que adquirió fondos para seguir trabajando en el área.
Hubo un componente arqueológico significativo en el trabajo en el valle de Patacancha, especialmente en los sitios preincaicos e incas en Pumamarca y alrededor del impresionante promontorio de Hatun Aya Orqo. El trabajo deL PAC en el valle culminó con el establecimiento de un centro cultural y museo en Ollantaytambo, diseñado para actuar como un recurso local, centro de capacitación y lugar depositario del conocimiento indígena.
La tercera fase principal de trabajo realizada bajo los auspicios del Cusichaca Trust, entre 1997 y 2013, se centró en las áreas remotas de Apurímac y Ayacucho al noroeste de Cuzco, algunas de las partes más pobres del Perú y gravemente afectadas por las actividades de 'Sendero Luminoso' en la década de 1980 y principios de los 90. Aquí también se adoptaron muchas de las estrategias desarrolladas en el valle de Patacancha y, después de un período de investigación y estudio de viabilidad, se reunió una serie de proyectos integrados con las comunidades locales. Estos se centraron en la salud y la nutrición, la conservación del medio ambiente, la extensión agrícola y el establecimiento de una serie de centros de formación y capacitación, incluidos talleres de carpintería y herrería y centros hortícolas. El aumento de la producción agrícola requirió grandes obras para restaurar los canales de riego prehispánicos y los sistemas de terrazas. Este trabajo se vio reforzado por programas de sensibilización para las comunidades locales, así como por el gobierno local y nacional, y se diseñó una serie de seminarios, cursos y conferencias para promover más ampliamente la tecnología tradicional andina. Los programas incluyeron un Seminario Nacional, organizado por el Cusichaca Trust y otras agencias en Lima en 2006, donde se acordó que un plan nacional coordinado para rehabilitar los sistemas de terrazas irrigadas contribuiría significativamente al desarrollo rural y a la conservación del agua en las tierras altas peruanas. En junio de 2014, se celebró la segunda Conferencia Internacional de Terrazas en Cuzco, la primera tuvo lugar en China en 2012.
En 2003, se fundó la Asociación Andina Cusichaca (AAC), como organismo sucesor del Cusichaca Trust. La AAC se convirtió en una ONG peruana independiente, con el propósito de actuar como asesor de la agencia gubernamental peruana Agro Rural en su participación en un programa de rehabilitación de terrazas financiado por el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo.
El Cusichaca Trust estuvo activo durante unos 40 años. El legado del Trust da cuenta de la calidad y el alcance de su trabajo arqueológico, que ha contribuido significativamente a la comprensión de los períodos preincaico e inca en el corazón de las regiones dominadas por los incas. De especial importancia fue fue la colaboración de Trust con las comunidades locales y la demostración activa de "arqueología aplicada". El trabajo realizado para cultivar la tierra y utilizar el medio ambiente de la manera más efectiva posible fue muy algo poco usual en un proyecto arqueológico. Los incas fueron extremadamente efectivos en la gestión de su terreno para alimentar y nutrir a su población en una sociedad preindustrial, y el Cusichaca Trust encontró una manera de hacer que los conocimientos y prácticas ancestrales fueran de nuevo relevantes en los siglos XX y XXI.
El Trust Cusichaca se destacó por la gran escala y la multiplicidad de sus proyectos y actividades. Los proyectos Cusichaca y Patacancha se convirtieron en imanes para arqueólogos, etnógrafos, historiadores sociales, geógrafos, medioambientalistas y trabajadores de desarrollo rural. Muchos empleados y voluntarios de PAC se especializaron en sus campos, utilizando los datos y la experiencia adquiridos durante el trabajo en Cusichaca y Patacancha en diversos trabajos académicos y disertaciones.
Kendall, Ann (1939-2019) archaeologistMore Info on CreatorLess Info on Creator
Dr. Ann Kendall was a British archaeologist, whose great achievement was the Cusichaca Trust, an organisation she founded and managed as director for more than three decades. Kendall was a pioneer of applied archaeology, the use of evidence drawn from archaeology to address contemporary human problems.
Kendall was born in 1939, in Oxford, England. In 1966 she obtained her BA from the Central School of Art and Design, London, before completing an MA in Interdisciplinary Archaeology in 1970 at the University of California, Los Angeles. After completion of her MA she embarked upon a PhD at the London Institute of Archaeology under the supervision of Warwick Bray. Kendall completed her PhD at the Institute in 1974, where she later became an Honorary Research Associate. Kendall’s honorary status as a Research Associate of the Institute of Archaeology was her primary academic affiliation. The subject of her PhD was Inca architecture, and her attention was focused on a series of archaeological sites at the confluence of the Urubamba and Cusichaca rivers, approximately 80 kms north of Cuzco, the Inca capital. She would spend much of the remainder of her active career in Peru.
In 1977, Kendall established the Cusichaca Trust, which oversaw the work of the Cusichaca Archaeological Project, one of the largest multi-disciplinary projects in the Peruvian Andes. The Cusichaca Archaeological Project provided a formative experience for many who have gone on to lead commercial archaeology, research and heritage work in Peru, the UK, USA and beyond. With Kendall’s guidance, the Cusichaca Trust undertook archaeology, ecology, ethnography and rural development work with innovative forms of community engagement.
Rural development became the main focus of the Cusichaca Trust, which continued an inspirational range of activities particularly focusing on the investigation and rehabilitation of ancient agricultural systems. This work benefited from, and contributed to, many communities in Peru, particularly in the departments of Cuzco, Apurimac and Ayacucho. Ann Kendall presided over the inauguration of reconstructed canals that provided constant irrigation for some 160 hectares of agricultural terracing and was a prime source of sustenance and income for over 2,000 people. Kendall was passionate about her rural development initiatives and she published about these as well as her archaeological research. Among Kendall’s publications was a book entitled “Everyday Life of the Incas”, published by Batsford in 1973.
Ann Kendall was immensely adept at securing funding for the Cusichaca trust and managed to obtain grants from numerous and varied organisations, including the British Academy, Birmingham City Museum, British Museum, Gordon Childe and Margary Bequest Fund (I.A.), Manchester Museum, Mount Everest Foundation, Royal Geographical Society, Society of Antiquaries of London, Center for Field Research – Earthwatch, USA. Denis Buxton Trust; Robert Kiln Charitable Trust. Kendall also managed several partnerships and collaborations with organisations including the University of Cuzco UNSAAC – KAYRA Agricultural Research Station 1983-87; Royal Holloway College, Geography Dept. for Climatic Change 1999-2002; Various NGOs in Peru; University of Huamanga UNSCH, Peru, 1999-2003; and the Intermediate Technology Development Group in Peru.
Ann Kendall was the recipient of a number of awards including the Parry Award 1972-4, the Order of Merit by the Peruvian Government in 1980 and an OBE in 1994. In her final years, Kendall lived in Spain close to her son Paul.
La Dra. Ann Kendall fue una arqueóloga británica, cuyo gran logro fue el Cusichaca Trust, una organización que fundó y de la que fue directora durante más de tres décadas. Kendall fue pionera de la arqueología aplicada, el uso de evidencia extraída de la arqueología para abordar los problemas humanos contemporáneos.
Kendall nació en 1939, en Oxford, Inglaterra. En 1966 obtuvo su licenciatura de la Escuela Central de Arte y Diseño de Londres, antes de completar una màster en Arqueología Interdisciplinaria en 1970 por la Universidad de California, Los Ángeles. Después de completar su máster, se embarcó en un doctorado en el Instituto de Arqueología de la Universidad de Londres bajo la supervisión de Warwick Bray. Kendall completó su doctorado en el Instituto en 1974, donde más tarde se convirtió en Asociada de Investigación Honoraria. El estatus honorario de Kendall como investigadora asociada del Instituto de Arqueología fue su principal afiliación académica. El tema de su doctorado fue la arquitectura inca, y su atención se centró en una serie de yacimientos arqueológicos en la confluencia de los ríos Urubamba y Cusichaca, aproximadamente 80 kms al norte de Cuzco, la capital inca. Pasaría gran parte del resto de su carrera activa en Perú.
En 1977, Kendall estableció el Cusichaca Trust, que supervisó el trabajo del Proyecto Arqueológico Cusichaca, uno de los mayores proyectos multidisciplinarios en los Andes peruanos. El Proyecto Arqueológico de Cusichaca proporcionó una experiencia formativa para muchos que han liderado el trabajo de arqueología comercial, investigación y patrimonio en Perú, el Reino Unido, Estados Unidos y más allá. Con la guía de Kendall, el Cusichaca Trust emprendió trabajos de arqueología, ecología, etnografía y desarrollo rural con formas innovadoras de participación comunitaria.
El desarrollo rural se convirtió en el foco principal del Cusichaca Trust, que continuó una gama de actividades inspiradoras, particularmente enfocadas en la investigación y rehabilitación de sistemas agrícolas antiguos. Este trabajo benefició y contribuyó a muchas comunidades en Perú, particularmente en los departamentos de Cuzco, Apurímac y Ayacucho. Ann Kendall presidió la inauguración de canales reconstruidos que proporcionaron riego constante para unas 160 hectáreas de terrazas agrícolas y fueron una fuente principal de sustento e ingresos para más de 2.000 personas. A Kendall le apasionaban sus iniciativas de desarrollo rural y publicó sobre ellas, así como sobre su investigación arqueológica. Entre las publicaciones de Kendall se encontraba un libro titulado La vida cotidiana de los incas, publicado por Batsford en 1973.
Ann Kendall era experta en obtener fondos para elCusichaca Trust y logró obtener subvenciones de numerosas y variadas organizaciones, incluidas la Academia Británica, el Museo de la Ciudad de Birmingham, el Museo Británico, el Fondo Gordon Childe y Margary Bequest (IA), el Museo de Manchester, la Fundación Monte Everest , la Real Sociedad Geográfica de Londres, , la Sociedad de Anticuarios de Londres, el Centro de Investigación de Campo - Earthwatch, Estados Unidos, el Denis Buxton Trust; el Robert Kiln Charitable Trust. Kendall también administró varias alianzas y colaboraciones con organizaciones como la UNSAAC (Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco) de la Universidad del Cuzco - Estación de Investigación Agrícola KAYRA 1983-87; Royal Holloway College, Departamento de Geografía para el Cambio Climático 1999-2002; Diversas ONG en el Perú; Universidad de Huamanga UNSCH, Perú, 1999-2003; y el Grupo de Desarrollo de Tecnología Intermedia en Perú.
Ann Kendall recibió varios premios, incluido el Premio Parry 1972-4, la Orden del Mérito del Gobierno peruano en 1980 y la Orden del Imperio Británico (OBE)OBE en 1994. En sus últimos años, Kendall vivió en España cerca de su hijo Paul.
Scope and ContentThe collection comprises the archives of the Cusichaca Trust. The Trust undertook three main projects which are represented in subfonds 2, 3, and 4. The materials in other subfonds mostly relate to these three projects, but are in a specific format (such as photographs) or are a distinct type of record (such as Trust Governance). There are further details as to how these sections relate to each other in the arrangement note section. Overall, the archive includes seven subfonds (CUS/1-7), and one additional series (CUS/8), which includes:
• CUS/1: Trust governance and directors (Ann Kendall) materials, relates to organisational management, administration, and the top-level organisation of the trust. This includes Ann Kendall’s notebooks and correspondence.
• CUS/2: Cusichaca project materials (c.1977-1988), relates to the first project the Trust undertook. This was largely archaeological, and relates heavily to excavation, finds, analysis, reconnaissance, outreach, and project administration.
• CUS/3: Patacancha project materials (c.1987-1997), relates to the second major project undertaken by the Trust. During this period, the goals of the Trust’s work became increasingly rural developmental, and this section of the archive includes specialist research relating to agriculture, environmental development, canal and terrace restoration. There are also papers relating to excavation work, reconnaissance, outreach, and project administration.
• CUS/4: Ayacucho and Apurimac project materials (c.1997-2013), relates to the last major project undertaken by the Trust. This was largely a rural development and agricultural project, aimed at reviving pre-Hispanic systems. These subfonds include materials relating specifically to archaeology, rural development, project finances, and outreach.
• CUS/5: Plans and maps relate to a variety of archaeological and excavation projects. Many of the plans and maps relate specifically to certain sites and locations such as Huillca Raccay and Patallacta. Some of the maps and plans relate to specific buildings. These materials relate heavily to both the Cusichaca and Patacancha projects respectively.
• CUS/6: Photographic materials relate to various people, locations, activities, and projects. Comprised of various formats, including slides, prints, and negatives. Some of the photographs are in large format. These materials relate strongly to all three major projects.
• CUS/7: Outreach and publicity materials produced to publicise and broadcast the Cusichaca Trust’s work and achievements. These include posters, articles, interviews, and materials from the press. These materials relate strongly to all three major projects.
• CUS/8: Ann Kendall’s personal, and additional administrative, materials. These relate specifically to the project founder and director and include a combination of personal and professional materials.
Collectively the materials form a combined study of a specific region in the South-Central Andes over several decades. The archaeology, archaeobotany and ethnohistorical work focused on human occupation of the area from the late first millennium BC, through Inca expansion and into the Spanish Colonial period. Furthermore, the archaeological record was placed in its geographical and cultural context through archaeological reconnaissance. The Trust’s exploratory work established the existence of many previously undocumented archaeological sites. The collection includes unpublished specialist reports that have rarely been revisited since original creation.
The Trust’s ethnographic and much of its environmental work examined the domestic and economic lives of local farming families in the late 1970s and early 1980s. The surviving papers of the Cusichaca Trust also offer a record of the administrative effort involved in sustaining major projects in archaeology, rural development and other disciplines over a 40-year period. They reveal the changing aims and practices of diverse sub-projects, as techniques and approaches within each discipline were shaped by the interests and requirements of academic, governmental and private sponsors.
The collection includes a variety of media types including paper records, photographic materials, maps, plans, and digital media. The types of media, and use of technology evolved as the project progressed. The Cusichaca project materials are exclusively analogue, while the Patacancha and Ayacucho and Apurimac papers are increasingly digital. The archive also chronicles the Trust’s changing record keeping practices, and document management systems.
The collection relates strongly to various locations. Several of the locations and names referred to in this collection have more than one common spelling. Although the descriptions have been standardised as far as possible, a list of possible alternative spellings for several locations is also posted below.
Many of the terms in this collection have Quechua origins. Some of the words in titles translate roughly as follows: Pata (hill), Picchu (mountain), Waka (sacred place), Wasi/Huasi (house), Bamba (alternate for pampa, means plain), Tambo (area for civil servants), inti (sun), Killa/Quilla (moon).
Conditions governing accessOpen for research although at least 24 hours’ notice is required. Access might be restricted under the Freedom of Information Act. See archivist for details.
Extent287 boxes [282 not including audio and AV materials which are split over 4 boxes]; 34 bags of maps and plans, and rolled materials; 29 analogue audio visual items; 82 floppy disks; 64 optical disks [Digital and AV items are consolidated and stored together]; and 1 website.
System of ArrangementThe collection is largely arranged by function, project and original order. There are seven subfonds, CUS/1-7, and one additional series CUS/8.
• CUS/1 relates to Trust Governance and the director's (Ann Kendall) materials, these subfonds intersects all of the major projects. This represents the higher-level structure and management of the organisation, and includes papers relating to finances and administration. There are additional papers in CUS/2, 3, and 4, which relates to project specific governance and administration.
• CUS/2, 3, and 4 relate to the Cusichaca, Patacancha, and Ayacucho and Aupurimac projects respectively. These are the three main projects and cover the entirety of the Cusichaca trust’s work. Each of these have an additional series for project finances and administration specific to the respective project. Moreover, there is also academic and outreach within each of these subfonds, in addition to more general Cusichaca outreach and publicity (CUS/7). There is potential overlap between the final stages of the Cusichaca project (CUS/2) and the early stages of the Patacancha project (CUS/3), and between the final stages of the Patacancha project and early stages of the Ayacucho and Apurimac project (CUS/4).
• CUS/5 is exclusively plans, maps, and diagrams which largely relate to the Cusichaca and Patacancha projects. The plans in CUS/5/1 relate specifically to the Cusichaca project, while the plans in CUS/5/2 relate specifically to the Patacancha project. There are additional unidentified plans, and plans that pre-date Cusichaca work.
• CUS/6 is photographs, which relates to all three projects. CUS/6/1 relates specifically to Cusichaca, CUS/6/2 relates specifically to Patacancha, and CUS/6/3 relates specifically to Ayacucho and Apurimac. CUS/6/4 relates to pre-Cusichaca, and unidentified subjects. These materials are not as discrete as other parts of the archive, and there is some suspected overlap between series. Moreover, there are a small number of additional loose photographs in other parts of the collection.
• CUS/7 relates to general outreach and publicity, which also intersects all three projects. CUS/2, 3, and 4 all have additional more project specific outreach and publicity sections.
• CUS/8 is Ann Kendall's personal papers, which pre-dates the Cusichaca work, and intersects all three projects chronologically. Additional Ann Kendall notes and papers are present in all other sections of the catalogue. The digital media is also split among the three main projects, albeit restricted to a specific series within each subfonds. CUS/8 is a series.
The main projects and chronology of the Trust are represented in subfonds CUS/2-4. The materials in the other subonds largely relate to one of these projects in some capacity.
The files within boxes are physically shelfmarked with single digit numbers, which is the final number in the file's shelfmark. For example, the third file in box CUS/3/3/1 (CUS/3/3/1/3) is physically shelfmarked as number "3". The first item within this folder (CUS/3/3/1/3/1) is shelfmarked as "3/1".